We went over lots of ideas on Tuesday! Thanks to all who came to share thoughts, snacks, and enthusiasm. Here’s what we talked about at our first general meeting of the semester:
- Introduction to Slow Food for new folks. The movement started in Rome and is now international. Goals: sustainability, support local food and farmers, and general slowness and savoring everyday activities.
- Michaela went over some foods that are in season here now. For more info throughout the year check out: www.pugetsoundfresh.org
- Books: Slow Food Bible and In Praise of Slowness. Ask Devin if you’d like to look them over.
- Regional wine tasting possibility at Pour at Four. Contact us if interested.
- Dine Around Seattle in March—a couple restaurants (Flying Fish and Marjorie) have even been “Slow Food Approved” and we could make a field trip some time. Info: www.slowfoodseattle.org
- SUB Food Advancement Committee—contact Devin if you’re interested in lobbying for more organics, vegetarian, and local food in the diner
- Organic Garden: work with Sustainability Advisory Committee to get herbs/what-have-you in the garden for use in the SUB (or general campus community). Also, we’re interested in making a COMPOST pile.
- Monthly potlucks: we decided that Sunday afternoons work best for everyone. We’ll send out an email for everyone about the details—hopefully in the next couple weeks!
- Local farmer talk: question & answer session, information, try to include broader campus community. We want this to be a big lovely advertisement/announcement for Slow Food UPS. Dinner also?
- Cooking classes! Possibility of funding from ASUPS.
- Slow Food USA requires us to perform some sort of volunteer work—SF Seattle visits schools to teach about healthy, local eating. Good idea for us.
- Slow Food Theme House—Hey, give it a try if you’re interested and dedicated. It’d be great to have a home base.
- Cookbook—we’d like to compile recipes on the Slow Food UPS Blog. If you have a dandy recipe, make it, share it, and we’ll post it on the blog!
Okay, that’s a long list of stuff to think about. Whether we end up doing all of or not, let’s keep the spirit of good, slow food with us throughout the semester! Slow down...